Jeborics, or Galactic Points: Deep-Sky Radiation Sources

BL Lacertae(24 Pisces 50 Tropical, epoch 2000)

BL Lacertae(la-SER-tie) is the prototype of a class of bizarre quasar-like galaxies, and I have found it to have an influence in astrology as a member of the class of deep-sky objects which I have dubbed jeborics, (JEB-or-iks), a nonsense term coined by Dane Rudhyar and first proposed by Al H. Morrison.

Specifically, BL Lacertae is a negative jeboric, which is to say, its radiation is below the band of visible light, i.e., in longer wavelengths, in the bands of infrared and radio. BL Lacertae is a radio emitter in the UHF range at 610 MHz. Negative jeborics have an influence which is more mundane and less spiritual than positive jeborics, which radiate above the band of visible light, on shorter wavelengths, in the ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma-ray and cosmic-ray ranges and includes black holes such as Cygnus X-1(at 13 Aquarius), A060000 at 0 Leo in the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn(which Alex Miller-Mignone has dubbed Merlin), and a black hole at 18 Sagittarius in the constellation Ara the Altar which Miller-Mignone has dubbed Ereshkigal, after the Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld. Positive jeborics require more of a spiritual effort to access fully. Ambivalent jeborics radiate on both sides of the band of visible light and are dual or divided in nature.

BL Lacertae was originally classified as a faint variable star when it was detected and cataloged in 1930 in the constellation Lacerta the Lizard, which lies in the northern Milky Way east of
Cygnus. Later, a radio-astronomy conducting a cataloging survey of the heavens found a radio source at the same location, but it was not learned that it was identical with the "star", or that the star was not actually a star at all, but a galaxy, until 1969. Then it was found that there were more objects like it, about twenty in all. It took astronomers a long time to determine the true nature of BL Lacertae objects, which are, as I said,a kind of quasar.

In the sky, BL Lacertae is located not far to the northwest of the faint star 4 Lacertae, near the border between Lacerta and Cygnus the Swan, at declination +42 degrees, 2 minutes, 1 second, right ascension 22 hours, 9 minutes, 30 seconds. This works out to a zodiacal longitude for BL Lacertae of 24 Pisces 50 on the Tropical zodiac at this time. (Due to the precession of the equinoxes, all deep-sky phenomena like jeborics and fixed stars seem to creep forward on the zodiac at the rate of about 1 degree of arc every 72 years, taking about 2500 years to transit a sign, which is 30 degrees long. About 360 years from now, BL Lacertae will move out of Pisces into the next sign, Aries.) Anyway, knowing BL Lacertae's location on the Tropical zodiac, you may determine its influence by placing it in a house and noting its aspects to other factors in the chart.(I have found only Ptolemaic aspects--conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, and sextiles--plus the quincunx to work thus far. Use an orb of no more than 1 degree.)

BL Lacertae, unfortunately, is decidedly malefic in its influence. Keywords for BL Lacertae include holocaust, burning passion, consuming or transforming fire, demonic energy, instability, ruin, blight,derangement, act of suicide, self-destruction, self-sacrifice. However, do not assume the worst case scenario every time or something big and gaudy and dire. Lee Harvey Oswald had BL Lacertae conjunct his Midheaven. When the Moon, ruler of my 3rd and 4th houses, conjoined BL Lacertae by secondary progression, I had a total computer crash due to a lightning-generated power surge and went through three replacement units and ran up a sky-high long-distance phone bill due to long calls to the tech support hotline. Fortunately, my computer was protected by warranty. The object will work differently according to the astrological context, which cannot exist independently of reality, but must manifest through it.

At latitude 42 degrees, 2 minutes north, give or take 1 degree of latitude, BL Lacertae is on the zenith. The 42nd northern parallel is a zone of latitude that includes: Kosovo, Bosnia, central Italy(including Rome), Istanbul and the rest of the Sea of Marmara region(the ancient seat of the Byzantine Empire and the Gallipoli peninsula, site of one of World War I's best-known battles, all of which has just been struck by a catastrophic earthquake) the Caucasus region(including Chechnya and Dagestan, southern Russian hot spots at this time, and Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan), Kyrgyzstan, Inner Mongolia, North Korea, Japan's island of Hokkaido(where live the Ainu), northern Spain, southernmost Ontario in Canada, and the United States from southern New England and southern upstate New York through the Great Lakes Region--southern Michigan, including Detroit; northern Illinois, including Chicago; southern Wisconsin, including Milwaukee; Iowa; Nebraska; Wyoming(including Laramie and Cheyenne); northern Utah(including Salt Lake City and environs); parts of northern Nevada, northern California, southern Idaho, southern South Dakota(passing close to Wounded Knee), northern Indiana(including Gary), and northern Pennsylvania. This zone of latitude has been the scene of many manifestations of a desire to conquer and rule or achieve which has brought about monumental and often lasting or memorable achievements of both a positive and a negative nature as well as a generalized instability and energy. In this zone has arisen throughout the ages furious intellectual, industrial, artistic and military activity, people with an intense lust to conquer and rule or otherwise achieve, intense violence(sometimes of the earth itself, sometimes among the human beings upon it), a long list of monumental ideas, and great historical ups and downs.


Crab Nebula(Messier 1)(24 Gemini 7, epoch 2000)

The Crab Nebula, so-named because of its tight filigreed appearance, is the remnant of a supernova that became visible in the 13th century in the constellation Taurus the Bull. The 18th-century French astronomer Charles Messier, one of the first to catalog nebulae, galaxies and other deep-sky objects, labeled it 1 in his catalog; today we also know it as Messier 1, or M-1. It is a strong radio source, one of the first to be discovered in the infancy of radio astronomy.The following news story, culled and paraphrased from Wired News, might prove interesting to you, the reader.

Crab Nebula's Glowing Heart


4:30 p.m. 28.Sep.99 PDT

The Crab Nebula, the spectacular remains of a cosmic explosion nearly a thousand years ago, revealed a new feature in images released Tuesday[September 28, 1999]: a glowing ring of X-rays around its heart. The fresh images were captured by the Chandra orbiting observatory, launched[in August 1999 by the space shuttle Columbia] to observe the X-rays emitted by various heavenly bodies. The Crab's ring may help astronomers understand what keeps the nebula glowing. First seen by Chinese astronomers in the year 1054, the Crab is what is left of a blast so bright it could be seen on Earth for weeks, even in the daytime. It has been studied more than almost any other astronomical feature, but the X-ray ring is something new, according to Jeff Hester of Arizona State University. "The inner ring is unique," Hester said in a statement distributed by NASA. "It has never been seen before, and it should tell us a lot about how the energy from the pulsar gets into the nebula. It's like finding the transmission lines between the power plant and the light bulb." The pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star that emits pulses of radiation(in the radio band) 30 times a second. The Crab Nebula is about 6000 light-years away from Earth. A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels(at approximately 186,000 miles per second)in one solar year.


In astrology, the Crab Nebula is a negative jeboric that by house placement and aspects points up an area where one comes under an attack or is disadvantaged in some way.

Cassiopeia A(Tycho's Star, supernova remnant)(12 Taurus 53, epoch 2000)

Kepler's Star(supernova remnant)(22 Scorpio 42, epoch 2000)

Tycho's Star was a bright supernova that appeared in the constellation Cassiopeia in 1572 and was sighted by the famed Danish pioneering astronomer Tycho Brahe. Its remnant, Cassiopeia A, continues to be a powerful radio source. It is the strongest radio source in the sky and one of the first to be discovered in the infancy of radio astronomy back in the 1930's.It is visible as a few fading wisps of nebulosity(thick interstellar gas and dust clouds).

Kepler's Star, another bright supernova, was first sighted in the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent-Holder in 1604 by another light of Renaissance astronomy, Johannes Kepler(who was also a famous astrologer; back then it was not just accepted, it was expected, but already the two disciplines were beginning to diverge toward their present status--a great yawning chasm). Kepler's Star's remnant also continues to emit in radio.

These negative jeborics indicate important changes by house placement or when aspected by transit, progression or direction. Said changes may or may not be positive. With Kepler's Star, they are more likely to be strange and negative.

Cassiopeia A by house placement and aspect often indicates a seeming benefit that proves harmful, a mixed blessing or a left-handed gift.

Rosette Nebula(NGC 2237-9)(8 Cancer 20, epoch 2000)

This diffuse nebula in Monoceros the Unicorn is a famous sight(though not the most famous), and is one of the most popular subjects for popular astronomy photos. It looks like a very well formed, almost circular smoke ring or garland.It is also a radio source.

Astrologically, Rosette Nebula signifies gain through the shouldering of responsibility according to its house placement.

Cygnus X-1(13 Aquarius 40, epoch 2000)

This famous black hole in Cygnus the Swan was first detected by an X-ray observatory satellite in 1974.

Astrologically, Cygnus X-1 is a positive jeboric impelling toward the spiritual virtue of detachment according to its house placement.

Centaurus A(NGC 5128)(7 Scorpio 4, epoch 2000)

This radio galaxy in Centaurus the Centaur is one of the strongest radio sources in the heavens and one of the first to be discovered by radio astronomy.

Astrologically, Centaurus A is a negative jeboric which signifies stress and anxiety--a good keyword is frenzy--according to its house placement.

3C273(Quasar Alpha,or Prometheus)(5 Libra 52, epoch 2000)

This, the first quasar to be discovered(hence my name for it), is located in the constellation Virgo the Virgin, billions of light-years away towards the edge of the universe.(There are so many galaxies in Virgo and the neighboring constellations Coma Berenices the Hair of Queen Berenice, Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs, and Hydra the Sea-Monster that this region, best seen in the Northern Hemisphere in the spring, is known as The Realm of the Galaxies. Some of these galaxies are also quasars.)

Quasar Alpha, which Miller-Mignone has named Prometheus, is astrologically a negative jeboric which signifies, according to its placement by house in the chart, a major step.

CP 1919(Pulsar Alpha)(26 Capricorn 30, epoch 2000)

This, the first pulsar to be discovered, is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Ophiuchus.

Astrologically, this negative jeboric signifies, by its house placement and aspects, concern, worry, the threat of loss, a spur to action.(E.g.:The masses first became aware of the threat of global warming as Uranus and Neptune transited conjunct Pulsar Alpha circa 1995.)

Trifid Nebula(Messier 20)(0 Capricorn 14, epoch 2000)

This colorful diffuse nebula in Sagittarius the Archer is another famous astronomical object.(In an episode of the original "Star Trek" called "The Alternative Factor", a slide of it melting into the action, flickering in and out, served to signify the worlds of matter and antimatter coming dangerously close to contact and mutual annihilation.)The Trifid Nebula, so named because it seems to be divided into three parts, is also a radio source.

Astrologically, this negative jeboric signifies, by its sign placement, an area of attainment.

SS 433(18 Capricorn 52, epoch 2000)

This peculiar twin star in Aquila the Eagle is an ambivalent jeboric, emitting primarily in radio and in ultraviolet.

In astrology, it indicates, by house placement and aspects, where one must take a stand. The fact that it radiates strongly in wavelengths above the band of visible light indicates that this stand, taken freely, has strong spiritual consequences.

Tarantula Nebula(NGC 2070)(5 Aquarius 27, epoch 2000)

This diffuse nebula, so called because of its shape, is located in the constellation Dorado the Swordfish, far down in the southern sky--you need to be in a country south of the equator, like Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile or Argentina, to see it, and its main attraction is most of the Large Magellanic Cloud, anyway.

Astrologically, by house placement the Tarantula Nebula is indicative of suffering, transformation, and endurance.

North America Nebula(NGC 2000)(12 Aquarius 29, epoch 2000)

This diffuse nebula, again, with a popular name inspired by its shape, is located, like so many other interesting objects, in Cygnus the Swan.

Astrologically, the North America Nebula is a malefic indicative of suffering, disgrace, and destruction by house placement.Again, this might mean something trivial or mundane, like a fairly bad job episode or a tangle with somebody obnoxious around the home, not necessarily anything dire.

Dumbbell Nebula(Messier 27)(8 Aquarius 25, epoch 2000)

This planetary nebula(a star having thrown out a vast cloud of colorful gas that it lights from within) is located in the small northern constellation Vulpecula the Fox, just south of Cygnus in the Milky Way. Again, it gets its popular name from its shape.

The popular name might also suggest its astrological influence--by house placement, the Dumbbell Nebula indicates censure and protest.

Black Hole V821(Ereshkigal)(19 Sagittarius 42, epoch 2000)

Located in the southern constellation Ara the Altar, this black hole, named after the Mesopotamian queen of the underworld by Miller-Mignone, is decidedly malefic, having been linked to earthquakes, fires, cave-ins, and cyclonic storms(i.e.,hurricanes) on the purely natural level. Psychologically and socially, it indicates, by house placement, where one is held back or experiences upsets or sidetracking because one is not yet ready to accomplish something.

Omega Nebula(Messier 17)(5 Capricorn 6, epoch 2000)

W Hydrae(5 Scorpio 45, epoch 2000)

These are two different objects--M-17, the Omega Nebula, is a diffuse nebula in Sagittarius (the Archer) and W Hydrae is a variable star in Hydra(the Sea-Monster)--but both are infrared sources(and the Omega Nebula is also a radio source), and, astrologically, they are both negative jeborics signifying the same thing: putting an end to something.

Lagoon Nebula(Messier 8)(1 Capricorn 6, epoch 2000)

This diffuse nebula in Sagittarius is a deep-sky radio and infrared source and, astrologically, a negative jeboric signifying repudiation.

Chi Cygni(9 Aquarius 56, epoch 2000)

This faint variable star in Cygnus is an infrared object and a negative jeboric of malefic influence astrologically, signifying self-damage.

VY Canis Majoris(28 Cancer 3, epoch 2000)

This variable star in Canis Major(the Great Dog)is an infrared object and, astrologically, a negative jeboric of malefic influence signifying self-damage and frustration.

R Doradus(16 Aries 49, epoch 2000)

This variable star is also a deep-sky infrared object and is located in the constellation Dorado the Swordfish in the deep southern sky. If you're not south of the equator(in some place like Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Tahiti, Chile or Argentina), then you can't see it.

Astrologically, R Doradus is a negative jeboric signifying release.

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